Friday 13 July 2007

middle eastern feast (out of a box)

I know it's almost a sin to start ripping open boxes to make dinner when there is so much bounty at the farmers' market and, after all, we're trying to eat whole foods....but this mama doesn't have time to do it all from scratch all the time. So! Last night - a box of falafel mix was made, then another box of tabouli was opened, but then I added fresh parsley, mint, cucumbers, tomatoes, feta cheese & lemon juice to the tabouli. We put the falafel in a pita with chopped carrots, cukes & tomatoes, then topped it all with hummus.

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny. We had the same thing Thursday night! But this time I made the yogurt sauce from the recipe on the box and made hummus from scratch from Moosewood...w/ parsley from the garden & scallions and garlic from CSA.
